SELECTED Publications:

  • Williams ZAP, Szyszkowicz JK, Osborne N, Allehyany B, Nadon C, Udechukwu MC, Santos A, Audet MC. (2023). Sex-specific effects of voluntary wheel running on behavior and the gut microbiota-immune-brain axis in mice. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 30: 100628.

  • Doney E, Dion-Albert L, Coulombe-Rozon F, Osborne N, Bernatchez R, Paton SEJ, Neutzling Kaufman F, Agomma RO, Solano JL, Gaumond R, Dudek KA, Szyszkowicz JK, Cecile Lepage on behalf of Signature Consortium, Lebel M, Doyen A, Durand A, Lavoie-Cardinal F, Audet MC, Ménard C. (2023). Chronic stress exposure alters the gut barrier: sex-specific effects on microbiota and jejunum tight junctions. Biological Psychiatry: Open Global Sciences.

  • Ben-Porat T, Alberga A, Audet MC, Belleville S, Cohen TR, Garneau PY, Lavoie KL, Marion P, Mellah S, Pescarus R, Rahme E, Santosa S, Studer AS, Vuckovic D, Woods R, Yousefi R, Bacon SL; EMRACE Study Team. (2023). Understanding the impact of radical changes in diet and the gut microbiota on brain function and structure: rationale and design of the EMBRACE study. Surg Obes Relat Dis, 19(9): 1000-1012.

  • Mousavi R, Mottawea W, Audet MC, Hammami R. (2022). Survival and interplay of γ-aminobutyric acid-producing psychobiotic candidates with the gut microbiota in a continuous model of the human colon. Biology, 11(9): 1311.

  • Audet MC. (2021). Beyond the neuro-immune interplay in depression: Could gut microbes be the missing link? Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 16: 100308.

  • Audet MC. (2019). Stress-induced disturbances along the gut microbiota-immune-brain axis and implications for mental health: does sex matter? Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 54:100772.

  • McQuaid RJ, Dunn R, Jacobson-Pick S, Anisman H, & Audet MC. (2018). Post-weaning environmental enrichment in male CD-1 mice: impact on social behaviors, corticosterone levels and prefrontal cytokine expression in adulthood. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12:145.

  • Szyszkowicz JK, Anisman H, Merali Z, Wong A, & Audet MC. (2017). Implications of the gut microbiota in vulnerability to the social avoidance effects of chronic social defeat in male mice. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 66, 45-55.

  • Hayley, S, Audet, MC, & Anisman, H. (2016). Inflammation and the microbiome: Implications for depressive disorders. Current Opinions in Pharmacology, 29, 42-46.

  • Audet, M.C., Jacobson-Pick, S., Wann, B.P., & Anisman, H. (2011). Social defeat promotes specific cytokine variations within the prefrontal cortex upon subsequent aggressive or endotoxin challenges. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 25(6), 1197-1205.

  • Audet, M.C., Mangano, E.N., & Anisman, H. (2010). Behavior and pro-inflammatory cytokine variations among submissive and dominant mice engaged in aggressive encounters: moderation by corticosterone reactivity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 4:156.

  • Audet, M.C. & Anisman, H. (2010). Neuroendocrine and neurochemical impacts of aggressive social interactions in submissive and dominant mice: implications for stress-related disorders. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13(3), 361-372.

  • Audet, M.C., Goulet, S., & Doré, F.Y. (2006). Repeated subchronic exposure to phencyclidine elicits excessive atypical grooming in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 167(1), 103-110.